Staying Busy

Take a look at what Team pilot Jim McEwen was up to last weekend.

“It was a great long weekend in the shop. I made the mold for the anhedral stab for my Phantom-Reaction. I hope to have the new stab ready for Jets Over Kentucky!”

Can’t wait to see them Jim! Great job.

060506 - Jims Wings 2

060506 - Jims Wings


Family Support

It is always great to see the love of RC Modeling and Flying spread to our youth, so it makes us very happy to see one of our very own team pilots enjoying Daddy Daughter Flying days. Take a look at Ryan and his daughter Kiley hitting the sticks at their local field. Ryan and Daughter 2

Ryan and Daughter

Ryan and Daughter

Behind The Flight Line

All of us that fly RC know that it takes skills both on the flight line and off to complete a successful flight. On our first demo flight we had an unfortunate series of events during landing, resulting in a damaged wing (as any RC pilot can relate 🙂 ). We are very thankful to have had someone who possesses such skill with us at Joe Nall 2016. This damaged wing could have grounded us for our Friday noon demo flight. However, all thanks to Laura Melnik,  it didn’t. Laura is very talented in many ways, and one of her specialties just happens to be fabrication. She was able to rebuild a wing using only a few scraps of balsa, CA glue, and an aluminum can. This amazing patch job allowed us to continue flying Friday. She even added a little pizzazz with her handmade rivets! We want to extend a very sincere thank you to Laura for all her fast thinking and hard work.

Without her, The Jeti USA Girl Flight Team may not have made history.

Thank you Laura.

– “Jeti USA Girl Flight Team” Ashleigh, Aneta, Kasi, Lucy and Silvia.

Thank you Laura

Thank You Laura

Thank You Laura

Some Much Needed Away Time

We are glad to see that our are team pilots are able to get some time away from the traditional 9-5 and spend it flying.

Took a Flex Day for Joe Nall today and spent the day with good friends Matt Britt and Don DeWitt. Started with lunch at Moe’s then headed to AMA site 3 to fly! Got a couple flights on my 43% PAU Extra and my AW 35% Extra and burnt another 5 gallons of Kero in the ZealJets ViperJet!  Was an awesome day! Tomorrow we head to Alexandria, VA to visit friends and family for the weekend! So should be an awesome weekend also!  Life is good! 🙂

Post sourced from Greg Alderman’s Facebook page

Greg and Matt

Greg and Matt 2

Greg and Matt 3